With the release of Vista I am very seriously considering the upgrade ... I have only a few peripherals that I am worried about, but what is of greatest concern to me is whether my home based PCs can handle the transition. In the past Microsoft has always grossly underestimated, IMHO, the required hardware specs.
So this time round instead of making an educated guess (AKA suck it and see) I downloaded the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor! This application starts to scan your hardware and verifies which version of Vista, if any, is right for you. In addition it scans your software, and peripherals for potential issues.
For my laptop, Upgrade Advisor recommended the following:

The Advisor allows you to save a report and complete a checklist of TODO's, a lot of thought went into this and because Windows is an open bucket for virtually any hardware, and therefore driver (unlike the Mac), this kind of application is critical to upgrade success.
"Adversity is the trial of principle. Without it a man hardly knows whether he is honest or not." - Henry Fielding
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