Android (15)

.NET MAUI - Unifying the .NET platform
Plugging Android vulnerabilities
Learning all about Xamarin
Portability and Polyglotism
Yielding The Mobile Web
Apache Cordova integrated in Visual Studio
Why Not Android?
Controlling The Android Fork
Google Cast for Android, iOS, and Chrome Apps.
Android Giveth and Then Taketh Away
Comparing App Stores
Xbox Music for iOS and Android
Can a Services and Devices Company Succeed?
Android Security Threat
Hardware vs. Software (Clash of the Titans)

API (10)

API testing with .http files in Visual Studio
JSON numbers changed with leading zeros
ngrok - Tunnels to localhost
Facial Recognition using Windows Runtime API
Intelligent Applications
Building Windows 10 Universal Apps
Geofencing on Windows Devices
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
OneNote Cloud Service API
Xbox Music API

Apps (16)

Groove App: Understanding Context
Improving Touch Support for the Surface
Building Windows 10 Universal Apps
Timelapse Pro for Windows
Apache Cordova integrated in Visual Studio
Peek Calendar
Apps vs Web Apps
Web Sites and Apps Coexisting
Comparing App Stores
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
YouTube App for Windows Phone
Using Windows Phone Overseas
HTML5 and online banking
The cost of free software...
WorldWide Telescope
Body Battery

Arm (6)

Making Music with Windows on Arm
The Arm development ecosystem is ready
Building the Arm64 Visual Studio experience
Native support for Visual Studio on Arm64 is here!
Introducing Project Volterra
Windows on ARM (tax?)

Artificial Intelligence (14)

Claude 3.7 Available for Visual Studio
What about Jevons paradox?
AI mistakes are very different from human mistakes
What is a photograph?
Thriving in the age of AI
Real music and authentic voices
We shape our tools thereafter they shape us
Overly confident AI
Statistical anomaly detection to help resolve app crashes faster
Responsible AI safeguards
Microsoft hologram speaking Japanese
Is this a Google Assistant?
The Power of Vision Based Search
Google Photos Diversity Problem

ASP.NET (34)

Fixing sync over async issues in .NET
Disable FLoC in ASP.NET
POWERful Devs Opening Keynote
Should we use SecureString in ASP.NET for handling passwords?
Creating Themes for ASP.NET Web Core
ASP.NET Core Kestrel - The Need for Speed
.NET Core 1.0–The Framework we need
ASP.NET 4.5.256 has not been registered on the Web server
ASP.NET 5 Razor Tag Helpers
Moving Web API Authentication to Version 2
Fundamental Design Considerations for Web API
Using HTTP Strict Transport Security in IIS
Huge announcements at Connect
Troubleshooting WCF Request Response Activity
Stop People Hotlinking Using ASP.NET
Build 2014 Highlights For Web Developers
The Absolute Minimum You Need To Know About The MVCHandler
Using MVC patterns in Web Forms
The requested content appears to be script (404.17)
Confused WCF Ports
Going from Web services to WCF
Generic Handlers ASP.NET (ashx)
Implementing XOR and XNOR using PeterBlum Controls
Calling Web Services from JavaScript
ASP.NET – Watch your ADO error handling
Defensive Security Coding for ASP.NET
ASP.NET MVC - Why is Priceless!
ValidateRequest - Our XSS Defender
How Do I? ASP.NET Videos
ASP.NET 2.0 deployment
What will happen to AJAX now!
ASP.NET Page Execution Cycle
Securing XML Web Services
Displaying Images clearly in ASP.NET

ASP.NET Core (23)

.NET Conf 2022 announcements
Modernizing DasBlog - from Web Forms to .NET 6
Fixing sync over async issues in .NET
Disable FLoC in ASP.NET
Reload your ASP.NET config data when the files changes
Free Certs for Azure App Services
A great list of ASP.NET samples
UseAuthorization() was in the wrong place, really?
Opting in to runtime compilation for .NET 3
.NET Core 3 App Services Rollout
Nuances of the XmlConfigurationProvider
Creating Web Themes with Razor Pages
Hosting your ASP.NET Core app
Using TagHelpers to Design Authorized and Unauthorized sections in Razor Pages
Avoiding threading issues in ASP.NET Core
Generating a Hang Dump for ASP.NET Core app
Converting a HttpHandler to Middleware
Creating TagHelpers with Core MVC
Razor Pages - An easier way to start web development
In-Memory Cache with ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core Web–Current Principle
Creating Themes for ASP.NET Web Core
AddIISUrlRewrite - From Web Forms to Web Core

Azure (11)

Bringing the Aspire dashboard to ACA
Configure dotnet-monitor in an AKS cluster for Managed Grafana
Responsible AI safeguards
Diagnostics tools for App Service on Linux
Invalid Access to memory location in KUDU App Services
Azure K8S commands
Azure Lets Encrypt - DashboardConnectionString field is required
.NET Core 3 App Services Rollout
Kudu error with maxViewItems in localstorage
Time Travel Debugging on Visual Studio Toolbox
Time Travel Debugging in Azure

Blogging (8)

Auto send new blog posts to Mastodon
Using Power Automate to send tweets based on my RSS feed
Microsoft Flow for Bloggers
Paying for content without Ads
Blogging into my 11th Year
Open Live Writer
Blogging Into The Future
Blogs I really like

C# (85)

Primary constructors - class vs record
Easily navigate code delegates
Nuances of the XmlConfigurationProvider
Create Interfaces with default implementations
Is Null Or White Space
What would C# look like without null?
Span in C#
Generate a Class from JSON
C# 7 - Pattern Matching & Switch Statements
C#7 - Taking a second look at Tuples
Design Patterns - Builder
Design Patterns – Singleton
Facial Recognition using Windows Runtime API
Task Tip: Handling Antecedent Exceptions
Interview Preparation For Full Stack .NET Developers - 2015
CodeDOM Tip: Generate a proper Using statement
Oracle Tips: Scripting Differences with MS SQL Server
DuoCode - C# to JavaScript compiler
Visual Studio 2015 Tip: Debugging LINQ Queries
.NET Tool Tip: Just Decompile
Building Predicates Dynamically
New C# 6 Language Features
Portability and Polyglotism
Retrieve JSON Data Asynchronously In Windows Phone
Build 2014 Highlights For Web Developers
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
UTF-8 Character Encoding in .NET
Xbox Music API
Convert an ArrayList to an Array of Strings
Encryption, Hashes and Broken Things
Set an Image.Source from a Stream
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Wait for Everything and Anything
Using Explicit Interfaces
Making asynchronous calls from Background Tasks
Basic Authentication using WebRequest
Truly Random
Settings Privacy Policy for Win 8 Dev
Distinct LINQ
Try, Catch and Try again
Displaying images from a Stream
WP7 Apps sharing your status
Binding to Textboxes in Silverlight using IConverter (WP7)
Windows Phone 7 API - MarketplaceDetailTask
Going from Web services to WCF
LINQ Primer
Windows Phone 7 - Event Driven Programming
Get Zip Code from GPS data
Complex Numbers in .NET 4
WebClient in the Windows World
Generic Handlers ASP.NET (ashx)
Programming Note to Self #3 – When not to use Logical AND
DotNetZip - Zip and Unzip in C#
Programming Note to Self #1 – ArrayList
C# - Shallow Copy and Deep Copy
Math in .NET
MOD function in C# - Math.DivRem
DateTime.ToString() - Input string was not in a correct format
Writing to My Documents using .NET
Extension Methods and Interfaces
Design Patterns
VSWebCache - Web Settings
Singleton (C#)
ICollections(T) - Extension Methods
UrlEncoding the hard way
Inheriting Constructors
A small test!
The Partial Class
RSS Development - FeedManager
Is 'this' application already running?
Should this Warning be an Error
LINQ - I finally get it!
Array.BinarySearch - What I failed to realize...
Enumerators - API Design
How to Auto start an application with .NET
Developing a new tool with VS2008 - CommonRSS
Copy vs Clone (DataSet)
.NET 2.0 Generics
Nullable Types (.NET 2.0 and above)
C# - Switch statement
Basic Reflection
VB6 to C# - Removing unprintable characters
Array tricks I seem to forget
C# Language Reference (is)

Cloud Services (35)

Bringing the Aspire dashboard to ACA
Auto send new blog posts to Mastodon
Bringing Kestrel + YARP to Azure App Services
Recommended container limits for dotnet-monitor
Using Power Automate to send tweets based on my RSS feed
Too big to fail
Microsoft Flow for Bloggers
Azure K8S commands
Learning and relearning Docker commands
Free Certs for Azure App Services
Kudu error with maxViewItems in localstorage
Snapshot Debugger in Visual Studio Enterprise
The Power of Vision Based Search
Intelligent Applications
Native Office Editing in Google Docs
1 TB of OneDrive storage coming to Office 365
OneNote Cloud Service API
And Now SkyDrive Is OneDrive
Xbox Music API
Privacy, Cloud Services and the Law
Download Google Data
Getting Work Done With Your Tablet
Azure Notification Hubs
Text editing with SkyDrive
Windows Azure
Sharing OneNote documents with iOS
How to do public facing SDKs
Have you read Google Drives Terms of Service?
Windows Live Alerts Options
Live Mesh for Mobile Update
Free Online Storage
Windows Live SkyDrive @ 25GB
Windows Live Mobile Falls Short
Gmail a little bigger
Soapbox on MSN

Columbus (8)

A better vision for Central Ohio
BRT for Columbus
Technical User Groups in Columbus Ohio - 2016
Stir Trek - 2015
Bicycle Share
10 things to do in Columbus
Cable, Phone & Internet Services
I have moved to Columbus

Copilot (2)

Claude 3.7 Available for Visual Studio
Building debugging context for Copilot Chat

DasBlog (12)

DasBlog’s upgrade to .NET 8 is ready!
DasBlog support for WebFinger
Modernizing DasBlog - from Web Forms to .NET 6
Collecting Managed Crash Dumps on App Services for Linux
ASP.NET Community Standup - Updating Scott's blog to DasBlog Core
First pull request
Hanselminutes interview about dasBlog
Hacking in Public with DasBlog
Instant Articles for dasBlog
Integrating Facebook Comments with dasBlog
Integrating Disqus with dasBlog
dasBlog (Blogging) Future

Debugging (32)

Easily navigate code delegates
Hot Reload for C# Dev Kit
Building debugging context for Copilot Chat
Kubernetes mutating admission webhook for dotnet-monitor?
The return of WinDbg
Debugging threads with the Parallel Stacks window
Debugger Text Visualizer
Making production diagnostics easier with Source Link
Favorite features in Visual Studio 2022 so far
Using Visual Studio to search objects in a memory dump
Debug & Analyze Dump Files in Visual Studio
Debug managed Linux core dumps with Visual Studio
View the origin of a repeating call stack
Invalid Access to memory location in KUDU App Services
A talk about Dump File analysis
Debugger Tip - Step into a specific method
Collecting dumps anywhere with dotnet-monitor
Find the address of an object in Visual Studio
How much memory does this object use?
Viewing async code with Visual Studio
Decompilation improvements for Visual Studio
Why is decompilation possible?
Why do you need storage for Snapshot Debugger?
Using Visual Studio for Crash Dump Debugging
Open Source CLR Instrumentation Engine
Time Travel Debugging on Visual Studio Toolbox
Time Travel Debugging in Azure
Advanced Visual Studio search in Watch, Autos and Local windows
Basic Hang Dump Analysis using WinDbg
General Patterns used to Detect a Leak
WinDbg Tip:Failed to load data access DLL
PerfMon Tip: Memory Analysis for Services

Design (15)

Adobe Illustrator Tip: Cannot Resize any Objects
Fundamental Design Considerations for Web API
The Monitor Profile Appears to be Defective
Creating iOS7 Icons in Microsoft Word
Adobe Security Breach
Marketing and Branding
SEO Friendly Image Titles
Responsive CSS
Adobe CS2 for free!
Adobe Kuler
Adobe Muse (Codename)
Metro Apps
Reading for the Web
InDesign preparing to print booklets
XAML - Development and Design together at last...

Design Pattern (4)

Design Patterns - Builder
Design Patterns – Singleton
One Hard Thing in Software Engineering
Interview Preparation For Full Stack .NET Developers - 2015

Developer Links (4)

Developer Links : March 22, 2018
Developer Links : February 9, 2015
Developer Links : December 1, 2014
Developer Links - November 3rd, 2014

Development Process (39)

High performing developer teams are all alike
Maximizing 1on1 time with your manager
Finding our new normal
Structuring discussions for Engineers and PMs
WFH assumptions based on faulty data
Balancing promises in your software
Evenly distributed talent
Feature Inception
Avoiding CLIs and getting productive
Aligning with management using OKRs
How many years have you spent creating software no one uses?
Defining a Strategy
When the answer creates more questions
Managing Software Inertia
Developing code beyond the Event Horizon
Development process as a Black box not a Black hole
Remote Pair Programming
Does your software need a superhero?
When everything is an emergency
Any Sufficiently Advanced Engineer
Read more Code than you Write
Google Driven Development
Preparing for a new job
Sprint Rules and Definitions
First time Trainer
.NET Developer Manifesto
Reading bad code is a skill
Playing The Hero
Hammers And Surgical Knives
Do Not Try and Bend the Spoon
Pillars of Object Oriented Programming
Developer Serengeti - Where do you fit in?
Reading your reviews
I am Software Engineer but maybe not a business man
Technical Bankruptcy
Software Methodologies
There has always been tech support!
Subversion - Is anyone still using VSS?
Old habits die hard!

Devices (58)

Introducing Project Volterra
Xbox Tip: Fixing Hulu Streaming Issues
Should you buy a warranty for consumer electronic devices?
Surface Tip: Customize the Surface Pen buttons
Fixing Sling TV Streaming Issues on Xbox One
Microsoft Band Tip - Edit Quick Responses to Texts and Calls
New Microsoft Devices
Surface was a Trojan Horse all along
Improving Touch Support for the Surface
Watching Live TV on Xbox One
The Devil Wears iWatch
The cost of cutting cable
Setting up a Windows tablet for a child
Redefining ownership in the digital age
Portable Power Calculations
The State of Wearable Technology
Getting Work Done With Your Tablet
Toughpad 4k
Two Devices or Two in One?
NFC Ring
Marketing and Branding
DRM by Any Other Name
Beats by Dre Wants Out
Vizio gets into PCs
Energy Saving Household Gifts - Ryobi IR001
The Zune HD Tax
Options for Purchasing Digital Music
What about Video delivery
Power Outlet at the Airport
Zune HD Rumors
Enjoying Zune Pass
More Zune Information
Zune Updates
U-Verse Update
Zune - RSS problems with mixed content
U-Verse Rocks!!
Cable, Phone & Internet Services
Consumer Electronics Show
Format War Is Over!
Amazon MP3 tracks - Now featuring Warner Brothers artists
Got a Zune 80
Zune Wireless Sync\Zune Social
Zune Service Update
Zune update is almost here
iPhone the Brick
Do I regret buying the Zune?
Zune Reset (CTRL-ALT-DEL)
Hype is everything
HD DVD vs Blue Ray
Another good idea for Zune...
How to make the Zune better!
The Zune is mine!
iPhone - all you will ever need ;)
Micro-mini laptop design is just wrong!
iWars Zune Vs iPod Vid
Microsoft Zune : DRM, you have got to love it!
Handheld Games, how it all began...

Diagnostics (31)

Bringing the Aspire dashboard to ACA
Configure dotnet-monitor in an AKS cluster for Managed Grafana
Kubernetes mutating admission webhook for dotnet-monitor?
The return of WinDbg
dotnet-monitor: Enabling a diagnostics sidecar in AKS
dotnet-monitor: Querying the trigger state
Making production diagnostics easier with Source Link
Configuring the Diagnostics Port for dotnet monitor
More Diagnostic Analysis in Visual Studio
Diagnostics tools for App Service on Linux
Favorite features in Visual Studio 2022 so far
Inducing and measuring ThreadPool exhaustion
Using Visual Studio to search objects in a memory dump
Debug & Analyze Dump Files in Visual Studio
Debug managed Linux core dumps with Visual Studio
Collecting Managed Crash Dumps on App Services for Linux
View the origin of a repeating call stack
A talk about Dump File analysis
Using Disassembly Tool for optimized debugging
Collecting dumps anywhere with dotnet-monitor
Find the address of an object in Visual Studio
How much memory does this object use?
Heap Views in Visual Studio
Why do you need storage for Snapshot Debugger?
Using Visual Studio for Crash Dump Debugging
Open Source CLR Instrumentation Engine
Time Travel Debugging on Visual Studio Toolbox
Time Travel Debugging in Azure
Why is the CPU usage so high and why do requests appear stuck?
What you need to know about .NET memory
Garbage Collection in .NET 4

Diversity (10)

Helping team members deal with Imposter Syndrome
For whom the bell tolls
Large Tech taking on inequality
Bring your whole self
Reading for the moment
What you’re seeing is people pushed to the edge
What has changed?
Refining the Idea of Diversity
Broad brush strokes
Google Photos Diversity Problem

dotnet (124)

A simpler solution file format
Easier to fix async exceptions
Easily navigate code delegates
Kubernetes mutating admission webhook for dotnet-monitor?
.NET Conf 2022 announcements
dotnet-monitor: Enabling a diagnostics sidecar in AKS
dotnet-monitor: Querying the trigger state
Bringing Kestrel + YARP to Azure App Services
.NET MAUI - Unifying the .NET platform
Configuring the Diagnostics Port for dotnet monitor
Modernizing DasBlog - from Web Forms to .NET 6
The User Old Heap (UOH)
Fixing sync over async issues in .NET
Fixing Error NETSDK1152 after upgrading to .NET 6
Diagnostics tools for App Service on Linux
Favorite improvements in .NET 6
Inducing and measuring ThreadPool exhaustion
Interpreting async code in CPU traces
Debug managed Linux core dumps with Visual Studio
Collecting Managed Crash Dumps on App Services for Linux
Why we need the Rundown Provider
Performance Profiling - .NET Object Allocation Tracking
Performance Profiling - CPU Usage
Performance Profiling - In Production
Performance Profiling - Picking the right tool
Performance Profiling - Introduction
Catching Stack Overflow Exceptions
Creating convincing bugs for your demo code
Reload your ASP.NET config data when the files changes
Finalization Queue Tips
ReJIT on Attach
Suppressing Disassembly
Creating a Quick CLI
Why is decompilation possible?
A great list of ASP.NET samples
Looking back at Async
.NET Core 3 App Services Rollout
Nuances of the XmlConfigurationProvider
Create Interfaces with default implementations
Module vs Assembly
Why is the CPU usage so high and why do requests appear stuck?
Should we use SecureString in ASP.NET for handling passwords?
What you need to know about .NET memory
Checking Compatibility with the .NET Standard
Understanding the .NET Standard
Visual Studio News from Build 2017
Basic Hang Dump Analysis using WinDbg
C#7 - Taking a second look at Tuples
Design Patterns – Singleton
.NET version and feature release
ASP.NET Core Kestrel - The Need for Speed
.NET Core 1.0–The Framework we need
Designing apps for efficient battery usage
Reflecting Tip: Edit a .NET Assembly
Task Tip: Handling Antecedent Exceptions
PerfMon Tip: Memory Analysis for Services
.NET Framework Reference Source
Interview Preparation For Full Stack .NET Developers - 2015
CodeDOM Tip: Generate a proper Using statement
Oracle Tips: Scripting Differences with MS SQL Server
DuoCode - C# to JavaScript compiler
Visual Studio 2015 Tip: Light Bulb and Code Analysis
.NET Tool Tip: Just Decompile
.NET Developer Manifesto
Huge announcements at Connect
Just Another Layer Of Abstraction
Portability and Polyglotism
Troubleshooting WCF Request Response Activity
Build 2014 Highlights For Web Developers
UTF-8 Character Encoding in .NET
Bing integrates MSDN API Search
Encryption, Hashes and Broken Things
Inversion Of Control
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Wait for Everything and Anything
Garbage Collection in .NET 4
AutoMapper Basics
Distinct LINQ
Displaying images from a Stream
Confused WCF Ports
OWASP for the .NET Developer
Encrypting Configuration Files
ILSpy, spread the word!
Going from Web services to WCF
LINQ Primer
WebClient in the Windows World
The Problem with Expression Blend Sketch Flow
Programming Note to Self #1 – ArrayList
C# - Shallow Copy and Deep Copy
Math in .NET
WPF - ListBox
DateTime.ToString() - Input string was not in a correct format
Writing to My Documents using .NET
VSWebCache - Web Settings
ICollections(T) - Extension Methods
.NET Framework Installation Problems
.NET Debugging Labs
Is 'this' application already running?
Not enough time for XNA
LINQ - I finally get it!
Side-by-Side Execution -bindingRedirect
Array.BinarySearch - What I failed to realize...
Enumerators - API Design
Unknown Publishers - Should Developers really take the time!
How to Auto start an application with .NET
Developing a new tool with VS2008 - CommonRSS
Copy vs Clone (DataSet)
Windows Principal and Principal Permission
.NET 2.0 Generics
Nullable Types (.NET 2.0 and above)
MSDN documentation
C# - Switch statement
Basic Reflection
Array tricks I seem to forget
Assembly Binding Log
Using NAnt
Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)
Silverlight Screencasts
C# Language Reference (is)
Dealing with Satellite Assemblies
Daylight Savings Update from Microsoft
AJAX is on the way!
Understanding ViewState

Dump Analysis (6)

The return of WinDbg
Making production diagnostics easier with Source Link
Using Visual Studio to search objects in a memory dump
WinDbg and the Time Travel Debugger
Taking a Hang Dump or Crash Dump with ProcDump
Generating a Hang Dump for ASP.NET Core app

Gaming (3)

Hyperkin Super Retron HD
Physical vs Digital Pack Gaming
Zune Games

Git (4)

Fixing the upstream url for a remote fork
Reviewing GitHub Pull Requests in Visual Studio
Using Rebase in Visual Studio
OS GitHub contributions with Visual Studio

Hardware (23)

Simple AiMesh Wi-Fi System
Designing apps for efficient battery usage
Using the Surface 3 as a semi-part-time developer PC
Generating Power During an Outage
PC Market Beats Expectations
Future Digital Devices
Microsoft, Nokia and The Voltron Effect
Hardware is very hard
Leap Motion with Windows
Workstations to Ultrabooks
Lenovo Yoga 13
New Windows 8 hardware design
All in ones All the rage
Hardware vs. Software (Clash of the Titans)
Microsoft Surface
Microsoft Surface 2 Video
Why I think the iPad helps Microsoft Surface 2
Flash Drives at 64GB
Life with 2 Monitors
CNN Huge Touch Screen - The Magic Wall.
Invincible Computers
Western Digital My Book
1 Tbyte Drive - How much do you need!

IIS (5)

Finding the Process ID for your Application Pool
Using HTTP Strict Transport Security in IIS
Search Engine Optimization Toolkit
Configuring Application Pools - IIS 6.0
More Info

Inclusion (3)

Maximizing 1on1 time with your manager
Helping team members deal with Imposter Syndrome
Google Photos Diversity Problem

Internet (5)

Subresource Integrity–Safely Consume Remote Resources
Ensuring Net Neutrality
President Obama weighs in on Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality - FCC Names New CTO
Internet Access Available to All

iOS (12)

.NET MAUI - Unifying the .NET platform
Learning all about Xamarin
Programming on a Mobile OS–Swift Playgrounds
Bridge to nowhere?
Portability and Polyglotism
Yielding The Mobile Web
Apache Cordova integrated in Visual Studio
Peek Calendar
Google Cast for Android, iOS, and Chrome Apps.
Comparing App Stores
Imitation and Innovation
Xbox Music for iOS and Android

JavaScript (16)

Bower is Deprecated–This can happen when you rely on Third parties
Exploring Yeoman as a .NET Developer
Visual Studio–Integrating Node.js and npm
Installing Node.js and NPM for Windows
Hacked under the cover of jQuery
DuoCode - C# to JavaScript compiler
The Mobile Web is Slow and its JavaScript’s fault
Build 2014 Highlights For Web Developers
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
The requested content appears to be script (404.17)
Create an iPhone Password box in HTML
Sticky Footers using JQuery then CSS
Calling Web Services from JavaScript
JavaScript access to your clipboard
What will happen to AJAX now!

Law (11)

Too big to fail
Encryption should protect everybody from everybody
Cryptography as Natural Law
Ensuring Net Neutrality
Redefining ownership in the digital age
President Obama weighs in on Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality - FCC Names New CTO
All Our Patent Are Belong To You
Privacy, Cloud Services and the Law
Software Patents in the US

Linux (5)

Bringing Kestrel + YARP to Azure App Services
Debug managed Linux core dumps with Visual Studio
Collecting Managed Crash Dumps on App Services for Linux
wrk for benchmarking and testing
Adding Bash on Windows 10–New Dev tools

Machine Learning (1)

Statistical anomaly detection to help resolve app crashes faster

Media (6)

Xbox Tip: Fixing Hulu Streaming Issues
Cable Cutters–Dealing with Internet Data Caps
Fixing Sling TV Streaming Issues on Xbox One
The cost of cutting cable
Netflix Profiles
All you can eat Music is not for me!

Microsoft (33)

Working as a Product Manager
Is that position available for remote?
Surface Duo
The Uncanny Valley of Confidence
A Program Manager interview at Microsoft
Microsoft Interface Definition Language 3
Microsoft Build 2018 Day 1 Recap
Holoportation: HoloLens Communication
Microsoft Band Tip - Edit Quick Responses to Texts and Calls
Visiting my Local Microsoft Store
Surface was a Trojan Horse all along
Cortana has emotions
Microsoft HoloLens- Transform your world with holograms
The command prompt demo
Native Office Editing in Google Docs
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
Marketing and Branding
Threat Modeling Tool
Can a Services and Devices Company Succeed?
Microsoft, Nokia and The Voltron Effect
Steve Ballmer Announces his Retirement
Free Microsoft eBooks
Microsoft Surface
Microsoft Surface 2 Video
Why I think the iPad helps Microsoft Surface 2
Outlook Hotmail Connector 14
Microsoft Points - Walled Garden In Action
MIX 08 Video Presentations
MIX 08
WorldWide Telescope
The Changing of the Guard - Bill Gates Last Day
MSNBC - Is it going to be Flash or Silverlight
Microsoft Surface

Music (25)

Making Music with Windows on Arm
Real music and authentic voices
Home Studio Equipment (2017)
Adding Album Art to your Xbox Music MP3s
The U2 Album Was Free So Why Do You Care?
A New Bass
Xbox Music API
Betting On The Wrong Horse
Digital Music Will Last Forever
Options for Purchasing Digital Music
What I miss about physical CDs
DRM Free Music from Apple
Zune Pass, now Lease to Own
Enjoying Zune Pass
MSN Music Expiration- Belay that order!
All you can eat Music is not for me!
Zune 2.5 Update
Why you should never buy music with DRM!
Amazon MP3 tracks - Now featuring Warner Brothers artists
Why artists should give digital music away
Zune Marketplace
Apple, EMI announcement
Windows Media Player 11 Database Corruption
The cost of Music and DRM
Updating my Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)

Musings (80)

What about Jevons paradox?
AI mistakes are very different from human mistakes
Algorithms of oppression
Radical amazement
Validate your identity on Bluesky with your GitHub account
What is a photograph?
Divine right of founders
Unintended consequences
Homo sapiens 1.0
A better vision for Central Ohio
The gift of time
Real music and authentic voices
Curiosity unbounded
Public Art Museums
BRT for Columbus
Columbus Fantasy Transit Map
Overly confident AI
Smithsonian Open Access
Sounds like a prison
Uncritical analysis
Setting fire to a public digital library
High performing developer teams are all alike
Apropos of nothing
Large-scale social engineering
Helping team members deal with Imposter Syndrome
Always make room for kindness
Bring your whole self
COVID19 Contact Tracing
A New Reality
Manipulating Digital Maps
Good documentation is the definition of empathy
Committing to Sustainability
My favorite posts from the 2010s
Is that position available for remote?
Does our tech industry need more humanities?
Reversing the effects of long programming sessions
Politics and technology
Giving thanks!
Do we still upgrade PCs?
Sample performance reviews for technical teams
Abandoning the Consumer space
Surface Studio Owl Desktop Image
Performance Review Samples for Dev Teams
2016 Recap
Making it easier to read code than write
Does your software need a superhero?
Let it Shine
Nerd Life Balance
2015 Recap
LinkedIn has a Recruiter Problem
Moving Forward
Social Networks Capturing Social Movements
Interviewing developers is so hard!
What Developers Need to Know About Networks
Power of the Inbox
Henrietta Lacks' famous cells
Employee Satisfaction and Tenure
The Catastrophe of Success by Tennessee Williams
Maps that Lie
More Yearly Performance Reviews Examples
My Wordle
Updation is not a word!
The worst film ever...
Phone Conference Etiquette
AdSense Earnings
About Me
Why does a University change its name?
St. Baldrick's Foundation
Least favorite Buzz words
My top blog posts
Team Hanselman and Diabetes Walk 2007
Just for fun!
When helmets just do not matter!
Remembering the 80's
Faux Microsoft office values
The Welfare Country!?!
Real Performance Review Examples
A jokes's a very serious thing

Open Source (12)

Configure dotnet-monitor in an AKS cluster for Managed Grafana
Good documentation is the definition of empathy
Fixing the upstream url for a remote fork
Open Source CLR Instrumentation Engine
Is GitHub a useful hiring filter?
Using Rebase in Visual Studio
OS GitHub contributions with Visual Studio
Integrating Google's AMP Project
My Contribution to Open Live Writer
Open source contributions as an act of Love
Open Live Writer
All Our Patent Are Belong To You

Performance (11)

More Diagnostic Analysis in Visual Studio
Performance Profiling - .NET Object Allocation Tracking
Performance Profiling - CPU Usage
Performance Profiling - In Production
Performance Profiling - Picking the right tool
Performance Profiling - Introduction
Simple AiMesh Wi-Fi System
wrk for benchmarking and testing
Why is the CPU usage so high and why do requests appear stuck?
What you need to know about .NET memory
Garbage Collection in .NET 4

Privacy (6)

COVID19 Contact Tracing
Cryptography as Natural Law
Mobile proximity payments
Data Capture Accusations
Privacy, Cloud Services and the Law
Somebody is always watching

Product Managment (10)

Understanding time value in Product Development
Homo sapiens 1.0
We shape our tools thereafter they shape us
Identify with the customer problem
Structuring discussions for Engineers and PMs
Working as a Product Manager
Balancing promises in your software
Feature Inception
Being a Program Manager feels more like Baseball
Managing Software Inertia

Programming (48)

All coding languages, except one, grow up
Creating convincing bugs for your demo code
Reversing the effects of long programming sessions
You are not a real developer if you do not know this...
MSBuild - The Basics
Making it easier to read code than write
Programming on a Mobile OS–Swift Playgrounds
One Hard Thing in Software Engineering
Read more Code than you Write
Google Driven Development
.NET Developer Manifesto
Reading bad code is a skill
Portability and Polyglotism
Convert an ArrayList to an Array of Strings
Inversion Of Control
Set an Image.Source from a Stream
Hammers And Surgical Knives
Do Not Try and Bend the Spoon
Average Income Per Programming language
Watch Your Encoding
Wait for Everything and Anything
Programming for Kid’s
Using Explicit Interfaces
Pillars of Object Oriented Programming
Programming Possibilities
Developer Serengeti - Where do you fit in?
MVVM and MVC Contrast
Developers Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets
The Gang of Four
Try, Catch and Try again
My Programming Language History
Displaying images from a Stream
Sticky Footers using JQuery then CSS
Windows Phone Developer
Programming Note to Self #3 – When not to use Logical AND
Programming Note to Self #2
Case Statements in VBScript
Spanish HTML literals
Software Methodologies
VB6 to C# - Removing unprintable characters
Certification and errors with Binary Streams
What will happen to AJAX now!
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
Measuring programmers competence during an interview
VB 6 - Microsoft XML 3.0
Crazy Code
Everything that irritates us about others...

Research (6)

New path for quantum computing
COVID19 Contact Tracing
Not everything that can be counted counts
Compromising Compilers
Moral Machine - The Problem is Choice
Transparent Self-Sensing Deformable Surface (for Microsoft Surface)

Security (57)

Cyberattacks as acts of war
Large-scale social engineering
COVID19 Contact Tracing
Azure Lets Encrypt - DashboardConnectionString field is required
Compromising Compilers
Finding WannaCrypt's kill switch.
Subresource Integrity–Safely Consume Remote Resources
Encouraging HTTPS Adoption
Yahoo breach
Hacked under the cover of jQuery
SHA-1: If One Fails All Fails
Encryption should protect everybody from everybody
Windows Hello Tip–Improve Recognition
Cryptography as Natural Law
Setting up a Windows tablet for a child
Mobile proximity payments
PowerPoint found a problem
Redefining ownership in the digital age
OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability
Why Not Android?
Data Breaches Target You
Data Capture Accusations
Privacy, Cloud Services and the Law
Encryption, Hashes and Broken Things
Adobe Security Breach
Threat Modeling Tool
DRM by Any Other Name
Ten Immutable Laws Of Security
OWASP 2013
The Dying Art of Computer Viruses
Basic Authentication using WebRequest
How to stop your Twitter account from sending spam
OWASP for the .NET Developer
Encrypting Configuration Files
Microsoft Security Essentials
Why Should I Trust TrueSwitch
What about Video delivery
FriendFeed – Another authentication tale!
How OAuth helps us all!
Why do you need my password?
SMS for Banking
Spam in a can!
Social Networks - Who do you trust?
Defensive Security Coding for ASP.NET
Unknown Publishers - Should Developers really take the time!
Windows Principal and Principal Permission
Phishing Mistakes
Windows Rights Management Client
The Security Questions to avoid!
Rescuing a friend!
The cost of Music and DRM
OpenID - Digital Identity
Securing XML Web Services
Protecting Personal Identity
Raising the low hanging fruit!
Sony Root Kit resolution
Somebody is always watching

SEO (5)

Turning my back on AMP
Integrating Google's AMP Project
Structured Data Markup–Improving your SEO and Google Search Presentation
SEO Friendly Image Titles
Search Engine Optimization Basics

Silverlight (13)

Future of Silverlight
Windows Phone 7 – More Information
Is Silverlight dead? Really?
The Problem with Expression Blend Sketch Flow
Silverlight Hosting
Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 2 for Visual Studio 2008 – Install Failure
Silverlight - Animating Objects
Preparing for the Olympics - Silverlight
Silverlight 101
Who is using Silverlight?
MSNBC - Is it going to be Flash or Silverlight
Silverlight Screencasts

Smart Phone (26)

Imitation and Innovation
Microsoft, Nokia and The Voltron Effect
Android Security Threat
YouTube App for Windows Phone
Low End Smartphone Market
Want to make your own Apps?
Lumia 1020 the Photographers Phone!
Mophie Juice Pack Air
HTML5 and online banking
Reading your reviews
Nokia and Windows Phone 7 – What it means for me!
Essential Apps for Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows Mobile 6.5
Microsoft My Phone beta
Microsoft My Phone beta
Mobile Device Calendar Synching is here
Microsoft Tag (For Mobile Devices)
Live Mesh for the Phone (beta)
HTC Touch (Alltel) – Window Mobile 6.1 Upgrade
SMS for Banking
HTC Touch
Time for a new phone
iPhone the Brick
Hype is everything
iPhone - all you will ever need ;)
GSM - The mobile (sorry cell) standard

Social Networks (9)

Validate your identity on Bluesky with your GitHub account
Sounds like a prison
Some thoughts on Twitter
LinkedIn has a Recruiter Problem
Social Networks Capturing Social Movements
Download Google Data
Your Profile Name and Photo May Appear in Ads
Own Your Data!
How to stop your Twitter account from sending spam

Software (17)

You are not a real developer if you do not know this...
.NET Developer Manifesto
Reading bad code is a skill
Playing The Hero
All Our Patent Are Belong To You
Non-Trivial Human Machine Interaction
Never Pay for a MAC OS Upgrade
Software Patents in the US
Hammers And Surgical Knives
Do Not Try and Bend the Spoon
Programming Possibilities
Technical Bankruptcy
Software Methodologies
The cost of free software...
What will happen to AJAX now!
Old habits die hard!

Sql (10)

Oracle Tips: Scripting Differences with MS SQL Server
Building Predicates Dynamically
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Programming Note to Self #4 – SQL Reseed
SQL to XSD Data type mapping
Muscle Memory (isqlw)
Drop a Stored Procedure
SQL Injection attacks
Old habits die hard!

STEM (24)

NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula
Broad brush strokes
Imagining more than 3-Dimensions
Moral Machine - The Problem is Choice
Any Sufficiently Advanced Engineer
Hearing a ripple in space time
Quantifying Artistic Creativity
Google Photos Diversity Problem
The STEM behind Microsoft Hyperlapse
Transparent Self-Sensing Deformable Surface (for Microsoft Surface)
Portable Power Calculations
The State of Wearable Technology
Mathematical Hocus-Pocus?
Generating Power During an Outage
NFC Ring
Programming Possibilities
Higgs Boson explained … by cartoon
Technical Bankruptcy
Energy Saving Household Gifts - Ryobi IR001
Consumer Electronics Show
Format War Is Over!
Body Battery
The Elegant Universe

Tools (67)

PowerShell IntelliSense completion
Learning and relearning Docker commands
Node as a cmdlet replacement?
Checking Compatibility with the .NET Standard
Exploring Yeoman as a .NET Developer
Visual Studio–Integrating Node.js and npm
Installing Node.js and NPM for Windows
ngrok - Tunnels to localhost
General Patterns used to Detect a Leak
Adding Bash on Windows 10–New Dev tools
Reflecting Tip: Edit a .NET Assembly
PerfMon Tip: Memory Analysis for Services
Bridge to nowhere?
.NET Tool Tip: Just Decompile
Team Foundation Server Windows shell extension
PowerPoint found a problem
Bing Developer Assistant for Visual Studio
Get Windows 8 and Windows Phone Controls for FREE
Bing Code Search for C#
HTML Link to a Page in a PDF document
Threat Modeling Tool
Text editing with SkyDrive
Search Engine Optimization Toolkit
Browser Development Tools Basics
Blogging with Office 2013
A Walk down Dependency lane
Outlook Hotmail Connector 14
SharedView version 1.0
First things I need to install on my dev machine!
Software that is less than honest!
Free and Cheap Software from Microsoft
UltraMon Smart Taskbar is missing
AT&T Web Remote Access
Red Gate's .NET Reflector
Stack Overflow
Google Maps Street level Photos
Problems with SharedView and Live Meeting
FolderShare beta
ieHTTPHeaders 2.0
Windows Live SkyDrive @ 5GB
IBM Lotus Sametime Connect
Paint.NET Plugin (Creating Icons)
Retirement Calculators
BEX Upload and Download Speed
Lutz Roeders's .NET Reflector
PC Performance Issues - FileMon to the rescue!
Regular Expressions
Video Content for the Zune
Windows Live Writer (beta)
Command Window - Quick Edit Mode
DebugView and TCPView
Microsoft Office Communicator 2005
NotePad2 version 2
Password Agent - Goodwill Experiment!
HTTP Basics - ieHTTPHeaders v1.6
Live Space\Writer - Word restrictions
PowerShell - Terse Expression
MP3 players in the car
Microsoft XML Notepad
Live Writer Plugin
Windows Desktop Search for Developers
Live Writer, IE7 Search suggestions
Why Google Spreadsheets ... why now?
Windows Live Writer (Beta)

Training (10)

Windows 10 Development for beginners
Stir Trek - 2015
Preparing for a new job
First time Trainer
Build 2014 Highlights For Web Developers
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Programming Possibilities
MIT Open Courseware
Online Instruction Videos
MCP - Why did I put myself through that...

Travel (6)

Bicycle Share
10 things to do in Columbus
Power Outlet at the Airport
I have moved to Columbus
In Portland ... again!
Field Museum, Chicago!

User Experience (21)

Not everything that can be counted counts
Surface Duo
Microsoft hologram speaking Japanese
Visual Studio 2017 - Installation UX Improvements
Groove App: Understanding Context
Windows 10 Tip: Surface Pen Shortcuts
Holoportation: HoloLens Communication
A fusion of Art and Technology
Windows Hello Tip–Improve Recognition
Tablet Keyboard with an Embedded Thin-Film Touchscreen Display
New Microsoft Devices
Future Vision Productivity
Cortana has emotions
Microsoft HoloLens- Transform your world with holograms
Sprout by HP a touch first UX
Mobile proximity payments
Transparent Self-Sensing Deformable Surface (for Microsoft Surface)
Non-Trivial Human Machine Interaction
The State of Wearable Technology
NFC Ring
UX in Sci-Fi

Visual Studio (87)

A simpler solution file format
Claude 3.7 Available for Visual Studio
Blazor WebAssembly debugging with Visual Studio
Easier to fix async exceptions
Primary constructors - class vs record
The Arm development ecosystem is ready
Easily navigate code delegates
API testing with .http files in Visual Studio
Building debugging context for Copilot Chat
Building the Arm64 Visual Studio experience
Debugging threads with the Parallel Stacks window
Debugger Text Visualizer
.NET Conf 2022 announcements
Making production diagnostics easier with Source Link
Native support for Visual Studio on Arm64 is here!
More Diagnostic Analysis in Visual Studio
Opening massive memory dumps with Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2022 Launch Event
Favorite features in Visual Studio 2022 so far
Using Visual Studio to search objects in a memory dump
Debug & Analyze Dump Files in Visual Studio
Interpreting async code in CPU traces
JSON Schema
Performance Profiling - .NET Object Allocation Tracking
Performance Profiling - CPU Usage
Performance Profiling - In Production
Performance Profiling - Picking the right tool
Performance Profiling - Introduction
View the origin of a repeating call stack
Debugger Tip - Step into a specific method
Using Disassembly Tool for optimized debugging
Find the address of an object in Visual Studio
How much memory does this object use?
Hitting breakpoints steals focus
Viewing async code with Visual Studio
How everyday devs can influence Visual Studio
Heap Views in Visual Studio
Build 2020 is Happening!
Decompilation improvements for Visual Studio
Suppressing Disassembly
Not everything that can be counted counts
Why is decompilation possible?
Prepping for my first Ignite Conference
Adjusting StackFrames in Visual Studio
Using Visual Studio for Crash Dump Debugging
Time Travel Debugging on Visual Studio Toolbox
Copy, Paste magic in Visual Studio
Time Travel Debugging in Azure
Search for settings in Visual Studio
Advanced Visual Studio search in Watch, Autos and Local windows
Visual Studio 2019 Launch Event
Snapshot Debugger in Visual Studio Enterprise
Creating Web Themes with Razor Pages
Reviewing GitHub Pull Requests in Visual Studio
Bower is Deprecated–This can happen when you rely on Third parties
Using Rebase in Visual Studio
OS GitHub contributions with Visual Studio
Generate a Class from JSON
Visual Studio News from Build 2017
Visual Studio–Integrating Node.js and npm
VS 2017 Tips: My three favorite features
Visual Studio 2017 - Installation UX Improvements
Visual Studio Extension Supports Debugging Linux Apps
ASP.NET 4.5.256 has not been registered on the Web server
Visual Studio 2015 Tips: Exceptions & Break Points
Visual Studio 2015 Tip: Light Bulb and Code Analysis
Visual Studio 2015 Tip: Debugging LINQ Queries
Visual Studio 2015 Tip: Window Layout
Visual Studio – Herald of Microsoft
.NET Tool Tip: Just Decompile
Visual Studio Tips: ReAttach
Incognito Web Debugging
Using the Surface 3 as a semi-part-time developer PC
Visual Studio Code - Build
Team Foundation Server Windows shell extension
Huge announcements at Connect
Bing Developer Assistant for Visual Studio
Apache Cordova integrated in Visual Studio
Visual Studio Online
Breakpoints being skipped in Visual Studio 2008
The Problem with Expression Blend Sketch Flow
The URL for this project is in the Internet zone.
ClickOnce installation
Weird .NET error messages
What will happen to AJAX now!
Visual Studio Orcas Beta 1
IntelliSense feature stops working in the Visual Studio .NET IDE

VS Code (1)

Hot Reload for C# Dev Kit

WCF (6)

Troubleshooting WCF Request Response Activity
The requested content appears to be script (404.17)
Confused WCF Ports
Going from Web services to WCF
Calling Web Services from JavaScript
Securing XML Web Services

Web (26)

Bringing Kestrel + YARP to Azure App Services
Too big to fail
Simple AiMesh Wi-Fi System
Turning my back on AMP
Subresource Integrity–Safely Consume Remote Resources
CSS Tips: Calc() Function
Pointer Events on the Web
Bad protocol, bad politics
OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability
Apps vs Web Apps
Cross Browser Challenges
Your Profile Name and Photo May Appear in Ads
HTML Link to a Page in a PDF document
SEO Friendly Image Titles
Search Engine Optimization Basics
Responsive CSS
Meta tags and links
HTML5 and online banking
PIPA and SOPA are nuclear!
AT&T Web Remote Access
FriendFeed – Another authentication tale!
How OAuth helps us all!
Global Searches
Social Networks - Who do you trust?
NBA Greatest Games (Stats 2.0)
MP3 players in the car

Web API (3)

ngrok - Tunnels to localhost
Moving Web API Authentication to Version 2
Fundamental Design Considerations for Web API

Web browser (30)

Integrating Google's AMP Project
Internet Explorer: Reducing Software Support Complexity
Pointer Events on the Web
Internet Explorer Platform Status
Cross Browser Challenges
About Internet Explorer 11
Browser Development Tools Basics
Chrome Died
Translating languages in the Browser
Reading for the Web
Use 64 bit Internet Explorer with 64 bit Windows
IE8 Crashing Tabs
IE8 drops
Spanish HTML literals
Google Chrome
IE 8 beta
Spam in a can!
IE Quick Tabs
ieHTTPHeaders 2.0
Apple's Windows Browser
The battle for my default search (IE)
HTTP Basics - ieHTTPHeaders v1.6
IE7 Security Color code
IE7 Inline search
IE - Manage Add-ons
IE7 Certificate Handling
Live Writer, IE7 Search suggestions
IE7 after the first day
The last IE user..
All things change...

Windows (81)

Introducing Project Volterra
.NET MAUI - Unifying the .NET platform
Windows Terminal
Microsoft Interface Definition Language 3
After Windows 10 Upgrade - Low Disk Space (OEM Drive)
Full Windows on a Mobile chip
Windows 10 Tip: Surface Pen Shortcuts
Facial Recognition using Windows Runtime API
SHA-1: If One Fails All Fails
Windows 10 Tips: Shutdown from Lock Screen
Bridge to nowhere?
Surface Tip: Customize the Surface Pen buttons
New Microsoft Devices
Windows 10 Development for beginners
Battle for Emerging Markets
Windows 10 Tip: Remove and Replace Default Applications
Windows 10 Tip: Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows 10 Tip: Fix Store Download Errors
Windows 10 Blank Screen Issue
Preparing for Windows 10
Improving Touch Support for the Surface
Using the Surface 3 as a semi-part-time developer PC
Building Windows 10 Universal Apps
Adding Album Art to your Xbox Music MP3s
Setting up a Windows tablet for a child
PowerPoint found a problem
The command prompt demo
Just Another Layer Of Abstraction
Portability and Polyglotism
Geofencing on Windows Devices
My Best Advice for Windows Next
Missing Surface Mini
Get Windows 8 and Windows Phone Controls for FREE
The Forgotten Promise of Windows RT
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
Windows 8.1 Update Issues
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Where does Windows RT fit?
Leap Motion with Windows
Making asynchronous calls from Background Tasks
Windows 8 Update failing at 15%
Settings Privacy Policy for Win 8 Dev
Lenovo Yoga 13
New Windows 8 hardware design
Windows 8 short cut keys
Hardware vs. Software (Clash of the Titans)
Microsoft Surface
Windows on ARM (tax?)
A Walk down Dependency lane
Build Windows 8 – Windows Run Time
Windows Home Group Errors During Setup
Microsoft Security Essentials
Windows Phone 7 series – Demo
Essential Apps for Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows 7 – Homegroup
Enabling Telnet in Windows Vista
FSUtil – File System Utility
What is the Windows Azure Platform?
Windows Mobile 6 - Calendar Synch
Microsoft Error Reporting
Unknown Publishers - Should Developers really take the time!
Vista - Program Search
Windows Media Center
Windows Live
Playing with Windows Vista
Windows Desktop Search v3.x
Windows Rights Management Client
Rescuing a friend!
HP issue with Windows Experience index
Vista In The House!
XP Home - Backup Utility!
Windows Media Player 11 Database Corruption
Daylight Savings Update from Microsoft
Vista ... should I stay or should I go!
Windows Vista Preview
Updating my Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
Windows Desktop Search for Developers
Turning XP into a Music Production Workstation
Evolution of Desktops

Windows Phone (49)

Learning all about Xamarin
Windows Hello Tip–Improve Recognition
Windows 10 Development for beginners
Battle for Emerging Markets
Building Windows 10 Universal Apps
Windows phone development should not be anyone's priority
Timelapse Pro for Windows
Yielding The Mobile Web
Geofencing on Windows Devices
Apache Cordova integrated in Visual Studio
Get Windows 8 and Windows Phone Controls for FREE
Retrieve JSON Data Asynchronously In Windows Phone
Responding to App Reviews – Nerves of Steel
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
Xbox Music API
Comparing App Stores
Set an Image.Source from a Stream
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Imitation and Innovation
Can a Services and Devices Company Succeed?
What’s in the new update for Windows Phone 8?
Low End Smartphone Market
Want to make your own Apps?
Using Windows Phone Overseas
Windows Phone 8 SDK release strategy
What I need from and for the WP ecosystem
MMS problems on the Samsung Focus S with T-Mobile
Reading your reviews
Metro Apps
Displaying images from a Stream
Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 7 Promotion
WP7 Apps sharing your status
Nokia Windows Phone and Sales
Mango Jump Start Videos
Windows Phone 7 Mango
Binding to Textboxes in Silverlight using IConverter (WP7)
Windows Phone 7 API - MarketplaceDetailTask
Windows Phone 7 Icons
Nokia and Windows Phone 7 – What it means for me!
I am Software Engineer but maybe not a business man
My First Windows Phone 7 App
A chance to win a Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone 7– Silverlight Gesture Support
Windows Phone 7– Text Input using Soft Keys
Windows Phone 7 – More Information
Windows Phone 7 - Event Driven Programming
Windows Phone Developer
Windows Phone 7 series – Demo
Windows Phone 7 series

Windows Store (12)

Windows 10 Tip: Fix Store Download Errors
Building Windows 10 Universal Apps
Retrieve JSON Data Asynchronously In Windows Phone
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
Web Sites and Apps Coexisting
Comparing App Stores
Set an Image.Source from a Stream
Free Training at Microsoft Virtual Academy
Making asynchronous calls from Background Tasks
Windows 8 PubCenter Ads Stealing Focus
Video Content for the Zune
Zune Marketplace

WPF (4)

The Problem with Expression Blend Sketch Flow
WPF Custom Control
WPF Word Wrap-Text Wrap
WPF - ListBox

XBox (22)

Casting to Xbox from Windows
Xbox Tip: Fixing Hulu Streaming Issues
Cable Cutters–Dealing with Internet Data Caps
Fixing Sling TV Streaming Issues on Xbox One
Physical vs Digital Pack Gaming
Watching Live TV on Xbox One
Adding Album Art to your Xbox Music MP3s
Build 2014 Top Developer Announcements (from Day 1)
Xbox Music API
Can the Xbox One really run generalized Windows 8 apps?
Xbox Music for iOS and Android
Bing Rewards for Xbox Live
Three Screens and a Cloud
Kinect for Windows
Kinect + Pixar = All Win!
Kinect – Total Recall in Your Living room
Xbox Live Arcade
Xbox 360 and IPTV?
Xbox 360 and Netflix
Xbox Live and Netflix
Not enough time for XNA
Why Microsoft Points?