I have done a lot of public speaking over the years but nothing tech related and so when I was asked to submit a theater session for Ignite I had no idea what to expect. In fact my mind was all over the place thinking about what this task might look like and how it would be received.

My first tech talk Ignite 2019. Me on stage.

The first important lesson I realized was that my jitters and nerves could be displaced by accretive and repeated practice of the source material. In fact conducting complete run throughs early and often, with anyone who would listen, helped assuage my fears even when things went badly. I believe some nervousness was connected to only ever being able to envision what might go wrong, and having no imagination for successful outcomes.

My talk was on Diagnosing issues with live cloud applications in Microsoft Azure and can be found here! It just so happened to overlap with the developer keynote featuring my colleague Scott Hanselman, but I still enjoyed an attentive crowd who had plenty of questions and inquiries. Overall, I was grateful for the opportunity, and I am thinking about how to refine and polish the delivery for the next time.

My brilliant colleagues and friends on the Visual Studio team had a series of amazing talks that you should check out here:


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