GitHub's releases a yearly state of the Octoverse report that examines the ways developers are coding, collaborating and delivering projects. Over the last few years the pandemic has had an incredible impact on the efficacy of teams of all kinds, but I am fascinated by the fact that the data appears to show some important reversals from the downturns experienced in 2020.

One of the thing we have known about developer teams (but still mostly ignore), the better your docs, automation and onboarding process, the more productive and inclusive your team ultimately becomes. We tend to think of documentation as a cost and impediment to the work of code development, however, the numbers indicate that teams that take the time to automate, mentor and produce reusable code are better equipped to deal with shifting work priorities, in fact we are already seeing a return to pre-pandemic levels of production.

This year, pull requests are merged the fastest at work, almost 2x faster than open source. We also see that pull requests at work are merged 25% slower than last year. When we compare the previous two years, we can see signs that work rhythm is returning to pre-pandemic levels. – Octoverse survey

What I find even more important is that respondents believe the trend to Fully remote and Hybrid is all but assured. I am not sure this really means that this trend is fait accompli, however, I am not sure how companies resisting remote work go about reversing an expectation that has been rooted so deeply and simultaneously.

Only about 11% of respondents expect to go back to working collocated, a 30% drop from 41% working in an office before. As a result, we see hybrid and remote work gaining traction as the expected way of working. – Octoverse survey

Work before after pandemic graph

Check out the full report, it is well worth a deep dive.

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